Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Iranian Revolution and Persepolis Booklet Conventions Essay

High and Low cultures are terms given to value the quality of the text. Low culture text is usually the text written for entertainment and pleasure and does not encourage complex reflection and thoughts . Comics are considered as a Low culture and comics and graphic novel are similar to each other but graphic novel are not considered to be Low culture. High culture text is written to encourage complex reflection and thought. High culture are usually full of literary features while low culture has low literary features. Text with high culture also called privileged text and text with low culture is called marginalized . 2- Everyone has his own way of thinking, if three people read a book they will think differently and will have different opinions about it that’s why we respond to the text is shaped by our ideology because everyone understand it from a different perspective. The same thing happens when different people read a graphic novel , they all have different opinions and ideas and they discuss it some people may change their opinions after they heard someone’s else opinion ,that’s how it changes our beliefs, attitudes and values toward literature 3- Symbols in a Graphic novel are easy to understand cause most of the are colours , body language , objects and clothing etc.. .In Persepolis Satrapi has made it different than any other graphic novels , she made no colours only black and white and this is a symbol of something that happened in the past . 4- Satrapi choose to write Persepolis in form of a graphic novel to tell her story ,because she want us to understand what she understands .She is writing her story so she wants us to feel how it feels to grow up during a revolution and a war , and how it feels to move from your country to a different one having a new life she wants us to feel what she felt and she actually succeeded at it Style and Literary Traditions: Persepolis is more bildungsroman than a memoir, because Satrapi didn’t only want to tell the story of her childhood but she wanted to show the way she lived in Iran at the time of the Islamic revolution, also she wanted to show how she grew morally, socially and spiritually making herself an example of how a young girls grew up at this time and bildungsroman is when protagonist must progress from childhood to adulthood, leave home to undergo a journey, and develop a more mature understanding of his or her self. Satrapi also shows how is feels for a young girl to grow up during a Revolution and live in Iran while it was at war with Iraq, those young girls saw communists getting shot and killed by the shah army and hearing stories about political prisoners being tortured during the revolution and saw planes blowing up buildings and other events too. Although it was horrible but Satrapi use a satirical tone sometimes when talking to the revolution guardians Literary Features: Satrapi has been able to manipulate the literary features well though it is a graphic novel which sometimes authors find it hard to use the literary features. Satrapi has used alot of symbols and one of the most important symbol was â€Å" the veil â€Å" which shows the rebellious side of Satrapi and that she was against wearing it but the Islamic government said it is obligatory for women and girls to wear veil. She has also been hyperbole about it Satrapi has used many allusions; most of them are people some are rebellious figures like : Che Guevara, Fidel Castro , they symbolize how a young generation is forced to become revolutionary even though they know little about the turmoil they fight , most of the allusion are about being rebellion and the war. Unlike other writers, Marjane Satrapi has it a little easier because she is able to literally show us what she wants us to see , and the Major thing about persepolis is that it has no colours it’s all black and white to give the story a more ancient feel, she wants us to see that all of this has already occurred. Moreover, the simplicity of her images allows her to demonstrate that this time in her life was not a great one, and that most of it is blurry. Perhaps the lack of color also signifies how somber that time was. Furthermore, she usually draws herself in the background, this shows how inferior she unworthy of being at the same level of men. As she gets older in the novel, she starts to show herself more, it is almost as if she is starting to believe that she is finally getting to the level of men. She begins to talk more to people, and not only speaks her thoughts to herself. Themes: Any young woman growing up is going to face struggles especially during her adolescence. However, to grow up in the midst of the Iranian revolution is undoubtedly a life changing experience. In a society where one certain religion is forced upon you, and where you go, what you wear, who you see, and all that you do is restricted, it is clearly difficult to accept. Especially to a determined and independent young lady such as Marjane Satrapi. In Persepolis one of the most important themes of the novel is government and society and its role in determining the sequence of events that Satrapi’s life takes on such as in the first chapter veils are forced on the women of Iran. In Persepolis Satrapi has used many themes and as mentioned one of the most important themes is government and society. The Iranian society after the revolution was forced to do what their government tells them like wearing the veil and this is also connected to the theocracy and dictatorship theme that the Islamic government turned into a dictatorship , dictatorship was not only with the government but also in Satrapi’s house she calls her mother a â€Å" the dictator †¦ guardian of the revolution of the house The government played a big role in 1980’s Iran by implementing new laws and restricting old freedoms, whoever does obey is either sent to jail and tortured or being executed and a lot of people where being executed for doing things forbidden by Islam ,the government used Islam as a cover to do whatever they want without people questioning them. Even though the Islamic government prevented partying and drinking, people went to illegal parties and drank wine this is considered as an act of rebellion which is also a theme. Rebellion is also a major theme in Persepolis, rebellion is not only against a government it can also be rebellion to what people say. Satrapi uses cigarettes as a symbol of rebellion, she want to show that she can do whatever men can do because at this time in Iran there were feminism. Moreover , Satrapi uses more rebellion figures to support her rebellion theme like Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and Trotsky they are a symbol for freedom Iran was in an outer war with Iraq and internal war against Iranians. Those are the best words that could describe what is happening inside Iran in that time, the army was fight the Iraq’s and was also killing communists and people that have a secular thoughts. Although, the kids of the lower class are sent to war to fight for their country, but before they are sent, they are given this golden key which sybolizes the riches and wealth they will have if they go into war for their country. Not having much, these kids end up joining the army being promised these dreams that never happen. While on the other hand the higher classes are partying and enjoying themselves, not doing anything to protect their country, but only themselves. Isn’t that sad. Also in the case of Marjane her maid doesn’t sit with her and her parents had a cadillac showing that they were wealthy, but Marjane didn’ like the idea of that. If you are a powerful person that has a lot of money, or if you were a king, you were part of the high class people. If you are poor or a peasant, you are considered to be in the lower class. What also exists is a middle class who refers to those who can make enough money to dress properly and own certain things that peasants can’t. Being a part of the middle class doesn’t make you a high class person because you don’t have power and don’t have a fortune, but it’s enough for good living Martyrdom was also a major theme in Persepolis since the war started and Satrapi describes it â€Å"To die a martyr is to inject blood into the veins of society.† Marjane reflects that the regime depends on the war to retain its political control of the country. A million people lose their lives in the war. The regime becomes more repressive and seeks to stop â€Å"the enemy within† by arresting and executing those that defy its rule. Heroism is also a theme which is connected to Persepolis where Satrapi symbolizes the political prisoners that were tortured and executed as heroes and when she found out that her uncle Anoosh was tortured too ,she thought of him as a hero At this time in Iran the social classes was also a major theme in the novel mostly all social classes were unequal and this wasn’t fair to Marjane at some points. She comes to learn that if you are not in the same social class as someone else, you are not able to marry them. Also, higher social classes were treated better and were paid more attention to, other than the lower class people. There was a specific part of the book where some kids asked Marjane if she had any â€Å"star wars† toys, and she didn’t. All little Marjane had were some boring books to offer them. Persepolis is very powerful and informative. It showed the history of Iran’s civil war and revolution and the fall of the Shah. When someone would say the word â€Å"Iran† people would think of oil, criminals, and communist. they never knew that they would be able to relate Iran to family, love, peace, hope, Michael Jackson. It has definitely given a new meaning behind the word â€Å"Iran.† It has also given a new outlook of the people of Iran.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Economical and Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis on Hybrid Cars Essay

A hybrid car is a car propelled by the application of two or more power sources. First attempts to introduce hybrid cars goes back to mid 1660, way before the discovery and introduction of the fuel powered conventional cars but were never commercially manufactured until 21st century when Japanese car manufacturer, Toyota produced the Toyota prius exclusively for its domestic market. In fact, it is estimated that the first attempt to produce a hybrid car was in 1665. The delay in the production of this class of vehicles was because of two main reasons; first, the limited range in the distance the vehicles could cover and secondly the difficulty and costly process of recharging their batteries. Furthermore, it is a basic science concept that the more complex a machine is the more it is prone to failure and thus the idea of commercial production of hybrid vehicles has been a slow process over the centuries. World’s population explosion, demand for fresh air and green cities, dwindling petroleum deposits, over dependency in overseas oil, economic recession and global warming are just some of the environmental and economic factors that have forced world’s leading car manufacturers to provide to the market car models that are not only environmentally friendly but also cost effective. A cost-benefit analysis on this topic will attempt to bring out the cost of getting a hybrid car into the road in comparison to the benefits that the world stands to reap as a result of this venture. This research seeks to bring to the surface three major aspects that are associated with the introduction of hybrid cars into the transportation world. These three issues are: (i) The cost of producing a hybrid car: The successful landing of a hybrid car is in focus under this area. It is not easy to get into the road a car that makes use of a combination of two or more sources of energy. The research involved is estimated to run to millions of dollars thus sky-rocketing the price of a hybrid car. (ii) Environmental factors: Environmental factors simply refer to the concerns that a particular type of car produces substances that injure our surroundings thus making life on earth more dangerous and therefore more complex. These substances include green house gases as well as toxic metal compounds such as the ones that contain lead in their structure. (iii) Economic cost benefit factors: Economic factors have much to do with the living standards of people as far as the generation and investment of money is concerned. The economic make up of the world has gotten pegged heavily on oil and there are concerns from every right thinking citizen of the world that this is a self consuming trend that is likely to create serious economic problems if the oil industry hits a serious problem. This has already been witnessed before whereby a slight rise in oil prices has sent shockwaves in economies in both the developed and the developing world. Literature Review The former Vice President of the United States who later won the Democratic Party nomination and lost the presidency in a controversial manner to George W Bush, Mr. Al Gore, has had the world rethinking its actions as far as the degeneration of the environment is concerned. An inconvenient Truth, a film he worked on captures the problems that are already being experienced in various parts of the world as a result of global warming. This, he says is being fuelled by the use of environmentally unfriendly cars that use oil or gasoline (Gore, 2006, para1-3). It is not surprising that he went a head to win a Nobel Prize for this peace of work. Electric and hybrid cars have always received much appreciation due to the perceived ability to tackle this burning issue of climate change. Their ability to cut the emission of these toxic substances into the atmosphere that lead to negative climatic shift is the major reason for this (Anderson and Anderson, 2004, pp 6-10). In recognition of this serious problem, vital steps have been made in the research that is involved in the development and production of cars that make use of a combination of two or three sources of locomotive energy. Chief among these is the research into electric cars that promise to reduce the overreliance on oil (Westbrook, 2001, pp 34-39). The pioneer nation in the world in the research and possible mass production of hybrid cars is Japan. But the appetite with which the United States of America has picked up the issue points to the significance of this type of car. The driving force is the reduction in pollution, the saving that comes in terms of finances and most importantly national security that is put at risk with too much dependency on foreign oil. The argument is often projected in terms of supplying their dollars to nations that fund terror groups such as al Qaeda (Boschert, 2006 pp 2-7). It is common knowledge that mass production of hybrid cars will not only provide a partial solution to world environmental problems but also be a practical measure to save countries from losses running to millions of dollars due to escalating prices of world crude oil. The cost of producing a hybrid car The production of hybrid cars is not a cheap or a simple venture. Confessions by companies that have dipped their fingers into this hot pot have clearly shown that more than just simple technology is in play in the production of this type of cars. Research that has been on-going for a long time now is very complicated and has consumed millions of dollars. At the end of the day, despite the hyped advantages of shifting from purely oil consuming cars to hybrid cars, the cost that must be borne has to be high (Westbrook,2001,pp 56-61). It is the overall ability of the hybrid car to assist man in solving most of his economic and environmental problems that make the whole exercise worthwhile. Environmental factors While scientists agree that there can never be perfect environmentally friendly hybrid cars and that this depends solely on the design and model of hybrid power system. It is worthy appreciating that the use of this class of vehicles will automatically lead to the reduction of global warming by approximately 0. 3 to 0. 5 percent and that more advanced models and designs in the coming years due to technological advances would reduce this figure even further. The problems of the quality of urban air, reduction of noise due to application of electric motor in fuel power conventional cars, and elimination of smog forming pollutants could be solved in a century if research on mass production of hybrid cars is given a priority. The main source of air pollutants in cities and major towns is transportation. Fuel powered conventional motor vehicles produce much higher levels of carbon dioxide (Co2) carbon monoxide (Co), nitrogen oxides (Nox) and hydrocarbons (Hc) and this from the primary source of these dangerous pollutants. This is mainly because fuel powered conventional cars (FPCC) make short trips that do not give time for electric motor warm ups and cold starts. It is noted that hybrid cars reduced the levels of the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide by 97% in comparison to other sources of these pollutants. Carbon monoxide (C0), when inhaled for long periods interferes with the proper functioning of the brain in that it impairs the flow of oxygen (O2) into the brain. Once the brain stops working in the expected way, the person involved turns into a vegetable. Carbon dioxide and water vapor form the principal components of green house gases that bring about the green house effect. Green house effect is a scenario in which too much heat is trapped within the atmosphere due to the presence of such toxic gases as carbon monoxide and this resultant effect is a highly raised earth temperature. Infact carbon dioxide (C02) is considered one of the major atmospheric pollutants, and is solely responsible for approximately 57% global warming. Negative effects of global warming include the rapidly declining numbers of polar bears and melting of ice in the tropics. It is therefore an open knowledge that releasing carbon dioxide (C02) into the atmosphere is detrimental to the lives of living organisms and the equilibrium of the ecosystem. Sulphur and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are very dangerous air pollutants produced by combustion of sulphur containing fuels. Over the years, scientists have devised means of producing sulphur and lead free fuels but achieving an excellent degree is still a distant mirage. Deposition of these compounds in the air is harmful to plants, man and infrastructure. Exposure to high concentration of sulphur dioxide irritates respiratory tracts making breathing difficult and can easily cause lung problems. Sulfur Oxide contributes to respiratory illness. Patients suffering from heart diseases risk aggravating their conditions if exposed to even mild concentration of sulfur oxides. These components also form secondary pollutants when transported and combined with other elements forming sulphates, nitrate salts, nitrogen dioxides and even nitric acid vapor. This is what is commonly known as acid rain that corrodes buildings, burns vegetations, burns the human skin and destroys infrastructure. Chlorofluorocarbons also form component of green house gases that bring about the effect of global warming. When exposed to gamma rays, these compounds break down to release chlorine atoms. The presence of chlorine atoms in the atmosphere catalyses splitting of Ozone (O3) into oxygen gas (O2), however the negative effects of their presence overweigh their importance. Photochemical air pollution, usually known as smog and is commonly sported in the tropics and subtropics is also caused by incomplete combustion of gasoline emitted by fuel powered conventional vehicles. This process leads to the production of Ozone gas that is responsible for irritation in the eyes, extensive damage to plants and crops and lung complications. The release of carbon dioxide (C02), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides (N0x) and other pollutants into the atmosphere contributes to the destruction of plants on the earth’s surface. Photosynthesis, the process through which trees produce oxygen from carbon dioxide is so vital to human life in fact it is said that life cannot exist without trees. Destruction of trees by releasing these pollutants into the air is equal to destruction of both human life and plant life. While particulate matters are the main contributors to lung problems and most cancer cases, hydrocarbons are also a cause of lung problems and other tissue problems. Long exposure to high concentrations of hydrocarbons eventually leads to total organ failures. Furthermore it is a major contributor to birth defects and other complicated illnesses like cancer. With the commercial manufacture and introduction of hybrid cars, extensive damage to the environment is definitely reduced, quality of life enhanced and urban areas become clean to inhabit, the dream of world environmental rights groups. Economic factors Crude oil is the raw material that propels almost all components of world’s economy in many ways. In fact the world is so dependent on crude oil that if its supply would be cut abruptly, major world economies like United States of America, Russia and China would immediately come to a standstill. United States depends on crude oil alone for 40% of its energy supply, triple than other sources. Overdependence on crude oil is not sound enough. First, crude oil is a non-renewable source of energy and analysts predict it will be largely exhausted within half a century. This rings an alarm bell that if measures are not put in place and countries go green by using hybrid cars, then the future is bleak and the word is in danger. Transportation sector depends entirely on oil for energy supply. Trucks, planes, ships cars and buses are propelled by motor engines that use oil. Introducing hybrid cars would reverse this trend, make the world safer from fluctuating oil prices and reduce dependence on this energy source (Paterson, 2007 para. 3-5). Reliance on crude oil for fuel supply is a major contributor to ethnic and tribal wars in Africa. This demonstrates the levels at which scramble for this commodity has reached. In fact notably China is so hungry for crude oil that it is ready to ignore the sufferings of millions of peoples around the world and specifically Sudan, so as to get its industry moving. It therefore points to the fact that lasting peace and safety will be found and armed conflicts reduced drastically when less fuel consuming cars are produced and thirst for oil curtailed. Hybrid cars are pocket friendly as they consume less gasoline in comparison to fuel powered conventional cars. Even though they are slightly expensive to purchase, the reward is achieved in long term due to lower fuel consumption. Further, governments and notably the United States of America give tax incentives to buyers of hybrid cars in to a move aimed at reducing the average prices of these vehicles and thus encouraging more people to purchase them. Dwindling petroleum deposits in a major concern to the world. It is widely acknowledged that only a total of one trillion barrels of recoverable crude oil reserves is available for exploration worldwide with only two percent (2%) of this value in the United States of America. Most of these oil deposits are found in the eastern hemisphere that is made up of countries that are well known for political instability. It is therefore very wise for countries that fall in the Western hemisphere and more so, the United States to adapt the mass production and commercial use of hybrid vehicles. This will not only cushion them from ever fluctuating oil prices but will also prevent the imminent collapse of most sectors of the economies of these countries. Conclusion From the foregoing, it is evident that the world stands to gain immensely from the introduction into the world of transportation hybrid cars. It is true that the cost of producing a hybrid car is not one that sends one smiling all the way to the bank. In fact it is prohibitively high and the faint hearted who will not pay attention to the long term benefits of this hybrid car model will not dare. But the benefits or gains both in terms of saving a planet in peril and a global economy in a shambles are so enticing and crucial that it is actually the way to go. The environmental problems that come as a result of oil utilization in transport and other areas of life will be dealt with once and for all. For instance, the release of dangerous gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere that is responsible for global warming and numerous respiratory problems as well as problems in farming thorough such phenomena as acid rain will be solved. The economic woes that emanate from over dependence on oil will also be contained. The availing of financial resources to rogue nations such as Iran that fund terrorist groups, the shaking of the global economy due to shifts in oil prices as well as the escalation of conflicts in most third world countries in the east and Africa as a result of scrambling over oil resources will be eliminated. References: Anderson C. D & Anderson J (2004); Electric and Hybrid Cars: A History. ISBN-10: 0786418729, ISBN -13: 978-0786418725, McFarland & Company. pp 6-10 Boschert, S. , (2006); Plug-Ins: The cars that will recharge America. pp 2-7 ISBN-10: 0865715718, ISBN-13: 978-0865715714, New Society Publishers. Gore, A. (2006): An Inconvenient Truth. Retrieved on 24th March 2009 from: http://www. climatecrisis. net/aboutthefilm/. Para 1-3. Paterson, B. N. , (2007). Economic benefits of hybrid cars. Retrieved on 23rd March 2009 from: http://www. helium. com/items/1026111-economic-benefits-of-hybrid-cars, para 3-5. Westbrook M. H, (2001): The Electric Car: Development and Future of Battery, Hybrid and Fuel-Cell Cars. ISBN-10: 0852960131, ISBN-13: 978-0852960134. The Institution of Engineering and Technology. pp 56-61.

Quality Indicators for Safe Medication Preparation and Administration Essay

Being passionate about caring and helping others has influenced and inspired me to enter the medical field and has then encouraged me to become a registered nurse in the Philippines. I have worked in a public hospital located in Manila which caters health care services for people presenting infectious and tropical diseases. One day, I had an admission who was diagnosed with an Acute Gastroenteritis secondary to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The doctor ordered a new antibiotic that should be given intravenously. When the antibiotic was already at hand, I administered the medication with the 100ml solution of normal saline to the patient. Afterward, because of a lot of toxicity in the area caused by a large number of patients, I forgot to reassess the patient whom I gave the antibiotic initially. I was surprised when I got back, the patient was already experiencing an allergic reaction to the antibiotic that the skin was flushed and generalized rashes were observed. I referred the patient immediately to the resident on duty and anti-histamine medications were given right away. Because of the incident happened, I felt overwhelmed with fear due to the possible consequences I had in my mind that the patient might suffer. I had been administering antibiotics many times in the past, but this situation made me feel guilty and uneasy. I even questioned myself if I am really that competent enough to do medical interventions to the patients. A nurse’s role is to render a high quality of care at all times. The reactions of the antibiotic would have been prevented if the proper assessment has been executed. Being knowledgeable in interventions especially medication administration is essential in my role, that I felt I didn’t accomplish fully. I documented all that happened to the patient and I made an internal incident report so that the other team members would be well-informed about the situation and also proper endorsements were done. Further errors and complications will be prevented through active management and effective reporting system would ensure patient’s safety. Administration of medicines to individuals who are ill is part of nurse’s responsibility to deliver holistic and optimal care (Veitch & Christie 2007). In the Philippines, nurses are required to practice methodical approach that follows local polices. In regards to my own experience, nurses practice 10 rights of medication administration that are intended to protect patients from any misconduct in promoting health. Some of the key things I have learned include developing my time management, multi-tasking, and organizational habits. One of the ways I would change what I did then would be to assess before and after administering certain medication to the patient especially if it’s an initial dose. I am now more cautious and responsible for my actions when delivering holistic care. Although I should’ve reassessed the patient, the experience I have gained from this has made me more mindful of patient’s rights that safeguard patient’s well-being. In the future, I think I would try to deal with this by improving the level of my competence and not neglect the aspects of nursing as a caring profession. I will continue to provide genuine care to the patients through further developing my skills in performing the 10 rights of medication administration. I intend to become more careful and as well as confident when protecting the health of my patients from possible risks of any treatment and health practices. As a registered nurse, I aim to advance my knowledge and skills that will befit the needs of the clients. Therefore, even if this experience for me was a challenge, I took it as an advantage to help me understand the importance of values in nursing and will guide me in tackling different instances and situations in the future.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Princess Diana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Princess Diana - Essay Example The conclusion provides a summary of her life and basic evidences from her existence. This information is supported by proper data and scientific evidences which is relevant nowadays. The method that is used is particularized examination of a literature together with the critical summarizing and personal inferences on the topic. Princess Diana was considered to the incredible woman and fascinating person. This lady provided a great influence in Britain in particular and world in general. She was remained to be the favorite person from the royal family and was excelled by kindness and charity. Lady Di lived a short, but saturated life and left a big mark afterwards. This woman was amazing and beautiful, charming and marvelous, great and famous. Princess of Wales was born on July 1, 1961 in England (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). Formally she did not belong to the royal family; still, both her parents were in connection with the regal origin (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). Diana’s family was rather big, as she had two older sisters and brother who was younger, so she was remained to be the third child in the family of Spenser’s (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). Her full maiden name was regarded as Diana Frances Spencer; also, she was called as Lady Di and Queen of Hearts (Levchuck, 1999, p.6, 21). Diana was responsible and kind girl since her early years and it was worse to mention that after finishing school she made a decision for passing up â€Å"a carefree life of fun with her friends† and started to occupy more serious affairs (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). She wanted to help people; therefore, Diana Spencer worked as a nanny for one family in America and also became a teacher in the kindergarten (Levchuck, 1999, p.6). It should be admitted that this first tries of her devotion to a children were of high importance for her and laid a ground for further development. Her acquaintance with Prince Charles became a changing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Capital Punishment - Essay Example Capital punishment raises many issues concerning morality, where some people support it claiming that it is morally justified while others do not (BBC 2013). This paper will contend to show the reasons why capital punishment should be allowed based on the evidence given in the paper. Capital punishment is a legal process approved by a country, which permits for the termination of a criminal’s life, especially one who has committed murder. Capital punishment has been abolished in many countries including the United Kingdom. The United States of America is the only Western country that has not abolished capital punishment. The main questions raised about capital punishment concern the morality and whether the act deters crime. It is also debated that the act could possibly bring more good than harm, therefore, bringing an intense debate between its supporters and those who oppose (Janet and Oxley 2). Capital punishment is only utilised by the state, therefore, making it use by n on-state organisations like the Al shabaab, illegal. It is exclusively utilised as a penalty for especially heinous crimes such as murder, adultery, fraud, treason, and rape depending on the country. Many people find capital punishment morally unjustifiable but in the event of an atrocity towards their families, they support the process. Many countries have decided to abolish capital punishment due to the extended network of activists and lobby groups, who over the years have seen to it that capital punishment is abolished. The places which have not ceded to the demands of these activists are some Muslim countries like Iran and Iraq and some states of the United States of America. The United Nations does not support capital punishment as it stands for an individual’s right to life. Countries that have not succumbed to International pressure to ban capital punishment insist that the act is non-discriminatively and unarbitrary, therefore, helps keep everyone off some crimes due to its deterring effect (Dezhbakhsh and Shepherd 512). There are many people who consider capital punishment to be morally impermissible. Some debate that it is unconstitutional, barbaric and cruel. They claim to oppose capital punishment because it violates the human right to life, which is a fundamental right. They believe that human life is so important such that even the murderers’ lives should not be destroyed even after conducting heinous atrocities. Other people oppose capital punishment on the grounds that it the justice system is at time marred by mistakes, therefore, accusing some people falsely, which leads to the loss of innocent lives. They claim that the damage that is committed upon such individuals and their families would be irreversible, thus opposing capital punishment (BBC 2013). There are people who are opposed to capital punishment based on the theory that it reflects arbitrariness and discrimination. The antagonists contend that there is evidence parti cularly in America, where those charged with killing white people are four times more likely to be sentenced to capital punishment compared to those people who are charged with killing non-white people. This is evidence of racial discrimination and it is used to oppose the need for capital punishment in a country (Sunstein and Vermeule 2). Vengeance and retribution have been viewed as morally unjustifiable acts that cannot be used to support capital punishment. This is particularly common in religions where they do not justify the taking of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Meaning of a Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Meaning of a - Research Paper Example In addition, a research paper refers to a culmination and the final product of the entire process of research that involves evaluation of sources, critical thinking, composition, and organization. A research paper is a combination of the above mention elements. Perhaps, it is essential to think of it as a living organism that grows and at the same time changes as the writer interprets, explores, and makes an evaluation of the gathered information from sources that are related to a distinct and specific topic. The main elements that contribute to a research paper are secondary and primary sources(Klein 33). Therefore, it is good to acknowledge that without a proper interpretation of the information gathered from these two types of sources, the research paper would definitely change to be another writing genre, for example, an encyclopedic article. A research writer must have good support for these sources as well as interaction since they provide a research paper’s nourishment. A research paper not only serves to further the topic which the paper covers, but also to improve the writer’s understanding and knowledge of that topic. Lastly, no matter what subject is being researched, a research paper must achieve the following specific goals. First paper must meet the assignment needs. Most instructors give students specific needs for a research paper, which include, use of references, detailing topics, and documentation procedures. A writer must ensure that he or she fully understands the assignment’s scope.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Personal Development As A First Line Manager Assignment

Personal Development As A First Line Manager - Assignment Example The plan enables an individual to align his/her personal goals with the organizational goals. This assists the individual in improving his/her work performance. Thus this personal development benefits the organization by improving its performance in the short term as well as in the long-term (The Keynote Project, 2002). The personal development goals will indirectly lead to the fulfillment of the goals set by the school. The personal goals I have set for achieving are related to the improvement of my work performance. The objective of acquiring event management skills helps them acquire skills that would enable me to efficiently manage and arrange school events. Thus meeting the organization's objective of providing good quality educational service of which such entertainment is a part. Also implementing and learning how to manage the Inventory control system named jump-stock would assist me in taking care of canteen inventory and other school supplies inventory (Burg, 2013). This ef ficient and faster management of inventory will assist the organization in running its operations most effectively. Therefore, providing high quality educational service with added school facilities and attracting more customers leading to increasing sales. Improving time management skills, stress management and financial skills will assist me in carrying out my responsibilities effectively. Financial skill would help me identify if there had been any glitches in the financial records of the facilities. Time management could help me complete work responsibilities before time and with highest work quality. Stress management could assist me in handling difficult situations with intelligence and thus help the organization run its operations most effectively. I plan to enhance these skills by taking a Stress Management training Diploma Course offered by The Stress Consultancy and Open Learning Institute (Stress Management Training, n.d.). Writing and speaking skills and improving relati ons with subordinates pertains to enhancing communication skills. The former will aid in becoming proficient in speaking and writing, thus helping in getting the message across within or outside school effectively. The latter would support in developing friendly relations with subordinates and detecting any conflicts/issues with them and taking an immediate action. This leads to increased motivation among employees and increased efficiency in school facilities provision. So effective communication helps the organization achieve high sales, lower cost, higher profitability and high quality service objectives. Learning how to operate knowledge management system also brings company to achieving the same objectives mentioned above. This is because knowing how to use and implement this system in facilities department could help in better decision-making. I identified numerous learning and development opportunities that would assist in achieving my personal development goals. The reason i s the nature of the goals themselves. All the goals could be achieved either by taking the relevant courses online or attending workshops, keeping a log and relevant notes from these courses/workshops. Learning from all these relevant courses and workshops is essential in acquiring the relevant skills since they add value to my work at school as Facilities Manager Assistant. These courses would help me move forward with my plan and thus enhance my work performance for my and company's benefit. I will review the progress of my plan on monthly basis. This will enable me to see how far along have I achieved my objectives. If needed, I will be able to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic business analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Strategic business analysis - Essay Example Moreover, the improvements in infrastructures and technology contributed to the development of several motorcycles producing firms. In India, Hero-Honda is a household name when it comes to motorcycles. Obviously, the name suggests that the company was once composed of two independent motorcycle manufacturers. Gradually, the economic situation and several aspects paved for the merger. At present, the company occupies the top spot in terms of market share. Although it appears that the decision to merge was strategic in nature, some observers consider other reasons for the decisions. The complexities of strategic cooperation and collaboration make the situation an interesting point of analysis. The discussion will concentrate on the nature of the Hero-Honda partnership and its perceived benefits and drawbacks. This is determined through the comparison with Hero-Honda and among its competitors. The financial position of the company will serve as evidence of the success that has become the prime motivation of Hero-Honda to pursue higher goals. Honda traces its roots from Japan, which houses the likes of Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Toyota. These companies are world-class automotive manufacturers and embraced by majority of the automotive consumers. Honda is recognised as one of the leaders in the motorcycle industry. Its operations expand worldwide and have 437 subsidiaries scattered across the globe. The branch located in India is one of the largest. From its humble beginnings, Honda quickly made a huge impact with its cutting edge technological advancements and top notch motorcycles. Also, Honda's concern to the environment and the society where it operates is being admired. The product line of Honda ranges from small scoters to massive vehicles. For years, the development strength of Honda has made the company upbeat with the changes in the industry. Surprisingly, its unconventional approach in dealing with its clients has provided the company with increased benefits. The goal of Honda is to produce with unparalleled quality and to continue its improvement in the future. Honda aims to thrive in a society where the customers demand its existence. Honda revolves around the notion of respect to individuals and the promotion of three joys: buying, selling, and creating. The management principle seeks to maintain global viewpoint and the assurance that only the best products will be provided to customers. More important, the prices of Honda merchandises are lower than the competition and provide the highest level of customer satisfaction. 1.2. Hero Cycles Hero is centred in the philosophy of commitment, teamwork, and foresight. Even before India's independence of United Kingdom, Hero was already starting to make a name. The initial step was to sell bicycle parts and the plan expanded after a few years of operations. Unfortunately economic stagnation paralysed the progress of the company. Since the plan was to expand, Hero started moving in different areas and began the process of manufacturing bicycle parts. Then, Hero proceeded with the production of bicycles. The Guinness Book of Records certified Hero Cycles as the largest producer of bicycle in the world. The company controlled 48% of the market in India and Hero continued to hold the lead in the industry. The managers of Hero are known for their meticulous planning. The strategy of Hero was to focus on the strength and prevent the weaknesses from making strong impacts. The simple

Patent report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Patent report - Essay Example The PaperTab combines thin-film display and thin-film input that incorporates computing technologies made possible by the intuitive interaction design in that the plastic displays are transformational in terms of interaction as they can allow interaction of humans with electronic paper as they are thinner and offer standard glass displays. For patency to subsist there must be some conditions that must be met according to the regulations set by the agency concerned with patency in Canada. These three requirements for the patentability of a product include the fact that the product must have what is known as novelty, inventive step and industrial application. According to The World Intellectual Property Organization (2002), novelty questions outlines that support the invention claimed by a particular person or body and is important that the courts or law enforcement agencies make a comparison between the state of the art to the invention itself. Under this, there is often the problem o f establishing what has been referred to as ‘state of the art’ and the law provides that all matters or patents must be made public inclusive of those that are still pending. It is required that persons intending to patent a product must also disclose their time and geographical limits while for international patents, it was a requirement that the translation requirements are followed and applied to the letter. Public disclosure of the product of the patent in this case the phone must be in a manner that makes it available to the public and must be sufficiently clear to everyone (Berman 2002). It is also important to note that the disclosure of the patent must be sufficiently appreciated by all those concerned whereby it should be ensured that if the procedure which ends up producing the substance is part of the state of the art, so is the substance made by the procedure (Norman, 2011). Further, there must be a distinction drawn between the disclosure of a product and t he disclosure for use. The requirement of Inventive Step for patentability is provided and incorporates the obviousness test in as provided by the common law test of Cripps Test (Slusky, 2007). It should be found whether a reasonable man on whom patent law should apply would in general knowledge have come up without any difficulty to the solution brought forward by the patent. The parties involved in patenting must identify the inventive concept whereby it should be assumed that a person is the normally skilled but unimaginative person with skills in the art and with the common knowledge in the art at the date that as a priority. It is also important that any differences are identified between the invention and the matter that is claimed to be already known whereby it is questioned whether the differences are so obvious to anyone skilled in the art or whether they would have required an invention. Under Industrial Application, the important factor is to find out whether the ideas ca me before their time, or that the patented product was used or made in the industry. This is regardless of whether the product in this case the phone was made for profit or gain but excludes personal or private activities and determines the usefulness or utility of the product and its technical effect. From the foregoing argument it is important that the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Promote In-Patient Safety Awareness between Staff and Inpatient in Dissertation

Promote In-Patient Safety Awareness between Staff and Inpatient in Regards of Incidence Misidentification at SMC - Dissertation Example Lack of managerial support, inability to develop a dynamic work environment, and failure to establish positive attitudes towards colleagues and the work itself were all found to lead to adverse outcomes in change implementation. Thus, improvement of managers’ performance along with the increase of staff members’ awareness and knowledge of wristband application practises and guidelines was emphasized in the project. Recommendations and implications for practise have been presented as well. Because the management was found out to be incapable of establishing a helpful environment for the members, it is important that training and support are provided for both the staff members as well as the management. In this manner, both parties can undertake the necessary transformations for improving a culture of safety through effective patient identification. Acknowledgments I would like to extend my thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Hala Bader Sulaibckh, for her support, encouragement, positive criticisms, confidence, and patience. Thanks also go to my thesis committee members, Dr. Jonathan Drennan and Ms. Kathrin Abu Zaid, for their time, guidance, and support. Extreme appreciation is extended to Asma Ahmed Al Arwalle for her support and willingness to help. Additional thanks goes to the Dr. Hala Sweed for her explanation and guidance during thesis journey. Also thanks goes to all the staff how welcoming me into their department. I was continually impressed by the level of care and compassion shown to the patients in the challenging Salmanyia Medical Complex (SMC) environment. A special thanks to those who participated in the project, for their spirited discussions and enthusiasm to make their hospital as safe as possible. I am also very grateful to Dr. Wafa Guirguis from the Ministry of Health as external advisor and evaluator for hospital clinical indicator for her help, keenness, and support in finding meaning in the measures. Last but definitely not least, t hanks to my family and friends, who’s determined, hopefulness was furtively appreciated. Table of Contents Page Abstract 3 Acknowledgements 4 Chapter 1 Introduction 8 1.1 Introduction 8 1.2 Rationale for carrying out the change 10 1.3 Summary 10 Chapter 2 the Literature Review 12 2.1Introduction 12 2.2 Inpatient Journey 12 2.3 Patient Safety 13 2.4 Flow of Inpatient Identification Information 18 2.5 Wristband Implementation: An Overview 20 2.6 Summary 23 Chapter 3 Methods 25 3.1 Introduction 25 3.2 Change process 26 3.3 Change model 28 3.3.1 Establishment of Urgency 30 3.3.2 A Guiding Coalition 30 3.3.3 Vision and Strategy 31 3.3.4 Communication 31 3.3.5 Empowerment of Members 32 3.3.6 Creation of Short-Term Wins 33 3.3.7 Consolidation of Improvements 33 3.3.8 Institutionalization of New Approaches 34 3.4 Summary 34 Chapter 4 Evaluation 35 4.1 Introduction 35 4.2 Current Situation before Change 35 Figure 1. Frequency and percentage breakdown: Use of IDs 37 Figure 2. Frequency and percentage breakdown: Reasons why IDs were not worn 37 Figure 3.Frequency and percentage breakdown: Name 38 Figure 4. Frequency and percentage breakdown: CPR 38 Figure 5. Frequency and pe

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What factors affect heart rate Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

What factors affect heart rate - Lab Report Example The heart is an essential and delicate organ of all humans plus animals. This is due to its primary functions, which are indispensable in executing diverse roles and keeping other organs working normally. Mainly, there exists numerous factors, which affect heart functions in diverse ways, but not all of them result in serious life threatening incidences. These factors usually differ radically due to their diverse influences on the heart rate due to their intensities. Principally, heart rate or pulsation is the speed in which it contracts so that it may be able to sustain adequate blood circulation for effective supply of oxygen in all the body tissues. Normally, a healthy person has an average pulsation of 70 – 80 Beats per minute (Bpm), though this owing to certain factors might change. For instance, when the body requires more O2 in its tissues, then the pumping of extra blood is necessary which facilitates more O2, hence escalating pulsation. Hypothesis: Diverse breathing m odes held per minute normally impart noticeable heart pulsation fluctuations. Since, during inspiration it slows down prior resuming to the normal beating (Camm 3). The fluctuations differ drastically depending on the breathing alterations per minute, which is the key exemplification of this report. Heart rate of an individual or any animal is directly comparative to the breathing. Method The experiment implicated measuring of heart rates or pulsation per minute by having diverse breathing modes. This entailed five trials data measuring and recording to ensure attaining of high accuracy during the process, for each set. The independent variable was breathing where for this case to attain reliable results where breathing modes ranges; Normal breathing Holding breath Deep breathing The dependent variable, which will be varying in each set, is the heart rate, where to guarantee its accuracy there is a need for several five recordings per minute. Procedure: Initial set involved taking n ormal breathing pulsation using heart rate monitor per minute and tabulating the five trials in a table prior computing the averages (Telles, Nilkama & Acharya 3). This entailed keen observation meant to ensure consistency of the data. Second measurement encompassed holding the breath for a long period as one would, then tabulating the data within one minute five times to complete the set and calculate the mean. Third set involved breathing deeply for one minute and compute as other sets before taking the average, then followed by computation of the five trials from the three sets. Lastly, there was compiling of the whole class individual records for the three sets coupled with final calculations. Final computations encompassed mean, median standard deviations, modes and diverse graphs to depict their correlations  clearly (Telles, Nilkama & Acharya 2). Data Collection Individual data Table 1: Table for the three sets recorded for five trials. Trials 1 2 3 4 5 Normal set 76.00 75. 00 73.00 75.00 76.00 Average 75.00 Holding breath set 75.00 75.00 77.00 69.00 72.00 Average 73.60 Breathe Deeply set 80.00 76.00 78.00 79.00 78.00 Average 78.20 Whole class average Table 2: Table for Whole class average Rest Hold Breath Breathe Deeply 86.40 84.80 106.80 67.00 65.00 63.00 78.50 74.50 72.50 74.00 84.00 84.00 60.40 74.20 69.00 67.40 73.30 80.30 73.80 79.00 68.20 68.40 69.00 76.20 64.40 72.40 69.20 64.80 68.40 86.20 82.60 83.00 87.40 68.60 76.40 66.60 88.75 102.25 86.00 75.00 73.60 78.20 71.00 73.30 62.00 78.00 74.50 64.80 NB: - Data Assumes 2 Decimal Places. The results attained all through the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effectiveness of a Country’s Educational Provision Essay Example for Free

Effectiveness of a Country’s Educational Provision Essay Introduction In the last quarter of the twentieth century, an increasing consensus developed concerning the link between economic prosperity and effectiveness of a country’s educational provision. As globalization gathered pace dramatically in the 1980’s and 199’s, this link became more overt as the comparison and competitiveness between nations inevitably increases. At the heart of the argument for the link, is the need for an educational workforce, without which a country’s economy will not keep pace.1 In the World Conference on Education For All, which assembled Jomtien, Thailand, it was recognized that the current provision of education seriously deficient and that it must be made relevant, qualitatively improve and made universally available to enable every person, child, and adult to meet the basic learning needs. These needs comprise both essential earning tools such as __________________ 1 David Middle Wood and Carlo Cardno, â€Å"Managing Teacher Performance. and the learning content (such as knowledge, skills, values and attitudes) required by human beings to be able to survive, to develop to their full capacities to live and work with dignity, to participate fully in development, to improve the quality of lives, to make informed decisions and to continue learning. 2 Education is the vital key to national development. More important is the training and development of human resources of teachers who are the frontiers of our educative pursuit. American may continue to lead the word of science and technology but its record of educating its citizens in those subjects is fairly dismal. An NSF panel has spent 128 months examining the state of Science, Mathematics,  Engineering and Technology (SME) and at the undergraduate level and reviewing hundreds of comments from academic. The overwhelming consensus is that most of the SME courses acts as filters. They screen out all but the promising students- those embarking on __________________ careers, leaving majority of the graduates with litters understanding of how science works. This worries the policy makers because many disgruntled students become teachers with little enthusiasm for the subject perpetuating a cycle of scientific and technological.4 Ana Marie Pamintuan, in her column entitled â€Å"Sketches†, in the December 12, 2000 issue of the Philippines Start stated: â€Å"In a season of bad news, there was one item I found particularly depressing. Filipino first year high school students ranked 36th among 38 countries in the Third International Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS). According to result, in the latest TIMSS, Japan ran fifth in Mathematics and fourth in Science. It can be expected that many people will really blame the education system for the Filipino students’ dismal performance. Although the schools along with the curriculum, teacher, supervisor, administrators and other elements that comprise the input components of the school as a social system, should take part of the blame. 5 __________________ 4 National Science Foundation, 1999). 5 Aquino, G. Effective Teaching. EDCOM reports that teacher is poorly trained. Many teachers at all levels do not have the optimum qualification for teaching. The proportion of high school teachers of science and mathematics, for example, do not have even  the minimal preparation for the teaching ranges from 54.6 percent to 5 percent. IN the 1991 DOST test given to both teachers and students in first year of the Second Education Program (SEDP), the total mean percentage score (54.08) of the first year high school teachers was only 8.79 points higher than those of the students (42.29). This deplorable performance can be traced to poor teacher training and the low quality of students enrolled in the teacher training.6 To further upgrade the standard of science education in the Philippines, the Department of science and Technology (DOST), University of the Philippines Science and Mathematics Education (UP-SMED) now National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (NISMED), the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have launched a joint project, the purpose of which is to __________________ 6 (EDOM: 1995). develop human resources which would ultimately enhance and upgrade the capabilities of science and mathematics teachers. The core program was the development of thinking skills through practical work and laboratory experiment.7 These are challenging times for the country’s educational system Cooperative efforts at all levels of instruction are directed towards common goal to improve the quality of education. Much more evident are such efforts aimed at reform in Science Education. Varied approaches and techniques have been pioneered to make classroom filled with fruitful investigations to uncover new and useful informations. A great variety of instructional materials and facts intended for daily classroom instruction have been assembled utilizing the indigenous resources of the community. Innovative procedures of presenting learning tasks have been tried to make every teaching-learning situation, encounter more exciting and hallenging.8 Of the 50 schools tested, ___________________  it was revealed what students from 20 schools did not master the topic taught, 27 schools nearing mastery, and only 1 school reported mastery level.9 The low performance of students in science also became the justification for the formulation and launching of the Science and Technology Education Plan (STEP) with Project RISE (Rescue Initiative for Science Education) as one of its project under the manpower development component. One of the major problems cited in the Accomplishment Report prepared by STEP stated, â€Å"every little was done about following up the trainees on in their use of their acquired skills.10  The problem reported b the STEP, prompted the researcher, being one of the trainors of the program, Project RISE, at the Regional Science and Teaching Center (RSTC-UEP) to assess the accomplishment of Project RISE, as to whether it achieved the goal and objectives set for – the training of science teachers to ___________________ improve their teaching competencies and raise the performance levels of the students in General Science. Statement of the Problem This study will try to assess the effectiveness of Project RISE in the Secondary Schools in the Division of Northern Samar, using the DOST-SET Monitoring and Evaluation Forms from its implantation in 1998. Specifically, this study will try to answer at the following questions. 1. What is the extent of accomplishment of Project RISE in terms of: 1. Objective of the program 2. Course content 3. Participants’ profile 4. Trainers profile 2. What is the status of the processing variables such as the following: 1. Teachers 1. Attitude towards teaching General Science 2. Content knowledge and laboratory skills 3. Classroom management 4. Time management 5. Teaching strategies 6. Skills in the utilization of instructional material 7. Skills maintaining classroom discussion 8. Skills in motivating 2. Administrators 1. Administrative support 3. Student 1. Attitudes towards General Science 3. What is the status of Project RISE on the following: 1. Teaching competencies of the teacher-participants as observed and evaluated by the principal. 2. Teacher’s perception on how the training improved their competencies. 3. Student’s performance in General Science/ Theoretical Framework The framework for the evaluation of Project RISE in the Division of Northern Samar particularly in General Science, will make use of the system theory propounded by Millilin. System theory engages a process of examining a school system or educational system (for a program or project), not by piecemeal approach where every element of the system stand independent of the others, but as an organic group of elements, as a system with interaction subsystems inside the school system (social, economic, cultural, political and technological), a system that contributes to society through its outputs the same society from which the school received its inputs, and  layer on as a system that receive feedbacks from the society as to the defined â€Å"value added† through outputs.11 Moreover, that the system theory gives a holistic view of advocating its internal efficiency as well as its external productivity: it calls for an interdisciplinary approach which mean that I considers how all the various system are interrelated, and it is a _________________  self-connective approach because it considers and profits from feedbacks received from its environs.12 The appraisal process using the system theory is hinged on the input, throughput and output concepts. The input includes the setting of verifiable objectives that become standards: the throughputs refers to the actually performance of the organization that is being evaluated; the outputs include the measuring of performance against standards such as the formal type of comprehensive review. A build in feedback mechanism pinpoint the flaws or errors in program implementation. Then corrective actions for undesirable deviation from standards are formulated. The system of evaluation is cyclical in nature consistent of formulation, implementation, monitoring and feedback pointing to the continuous assessment for program revision and improvement. Whichever is pinpointed as error implementation become the focus corrective decisions and actions and for program revisions. The advantage of the system evaluation concept lie in its ability to correct program errors at their earliest stages. Early direction and correction of ____________________ 12 Ibid. program implementation errors diminish the possibilities of incurring financial losses and unnecessary waste of efforts by the personnel implementing the program.  Therefore, assessing Project RISE, specially those having bearing on its accomplishments and innovations achieved by the teacher trainees in General  Science six year after might be a sound decision. This study is also supported by Bautista’s theory on evaluation, which shed light to the program design, assesses the implementation in terms of results of long effects. It is evaluation that provides timely and realistic feedback to the change agents, making the maximization of fiscal manpower resources possible. Programs are not evaluated attend to maintain a status quo to stagnate subsequently. One type of evaluation is the ex-post evaluation or impact evaluation. This is undertaken to determine whether the program or project merits expansion or replication in other areas and ascertain what aspects can be modified to improve implementation in other area. This study is then called an impact evaluation because it with try to assess the _________________  status of Project RISE teachers’ train on their overall performance as General Science Teachers. Carino’s theory, also sustains that accountability is a central problem of the government. The activities of civil servants and public agencies must follow the will of the people to whom they are ultimately responsible. The public ness of their employment and goals therefore prescribe their behavior and circumscribe their choice. Therefore, all individuals and office continue to have a range of options as to how they would act. The evaluation of whether such action would be within the bounds of their authority is referent to the concepts of accountability. Accountability focuses on the following: 1) regularity of fiscal transactions and the faithful compliance as well as adherence to legal requirements and administrative policies; 2) efficiency and economy in the use of public funds, prosperity manpower and other resources; 3) concerned with the results of government operation; 4) human resources accounting and the __________________  analogies of economics and social impacts of programs, and 5) emphasizes  procedures and methods operation and on the transformation of inputs to outputs.15 This study is an assessment of a project, which derives its finances from government funds, therefore projects implementers and all those involved in it are accountable to the people and the society. Another theory to support other variables identified in this study, such as attitudes and values of teachers, is that one advocated by Thorndike. The connectionist theory or the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory. This view was based on the concept that bonds or connections are formed between situations and suppose. Thordike advocates the idea that learning results from translating sense impressions and impulses to action learning occurs through change in connection between particular stimulus and a response, hence, connections are the key to understanding a learning task. ___________________ 15 Carino, Ledevina, â€Å"Administrative Accountability: A Review of the Evolution, Meaning and Operationa-lization of a Key Concept in Public Administration). 16 Gregorio, Hernan, â€Å"Principles and Methods of Teaching†. In the same manner, the personal attitudes and values of the teachers may have much to do with their teaching effectiveness because they could be the basis for their behavior, decisions and choice. This is so because â€Å"values are deep-rooted motivations of behavior. They defined what is important to the individual.16 In this study, it may be stated that the attitudes and values of the General Science teachers will have bearing with their work as teachers. What they believe in and what they consider important will influence their decisions and choices. Conceptual Framework The framework for the evaluation process has three components: inputs, throughputs and outputs. A built-in-feedback mechanism is the place to  derived information for project revision or improvement. Following the evaluation process, the inputs of Project RISE in Region VIII in general and in the Division of Northern Samar in particular are the objective of the program, course content, participants, trainers, and training ___________________  procedures. The actual performance in the implementation of Project RISE will be expresses in terms the throughout or processes. These consists of the teachers’ attitude towards teaching General Science, the General Science content knowledge and skills, classroom management, time management, appropriateness of teaching strategies, skills in the utilization of instructional materials, and skills in maintaining classroom discussions and skill in motivating. It will also include the teachers’ teaching competencies in teaching General Science as perceived by the principles, the teachers’ own perceptions on how the Project RISE training improved the competencies as observes by their principles and the students’ performance in General science as measured by a test in General Science.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Problems in Defining Poverty

Problems in Defining Poverty Title: Relief of poverty is widely perceived to be the central aim of the social security system. With poverty itself being such a complex phenomenon, it is hardly surprising that differing approaches have been adopted to its definition and measurement. (Neville Harris: Social Security and Society in Harris: Social Security Law in Context p.41) Discuss. Introduction Poverty is indeed a complex concept and phenomenon, and its definition is the subject of considerable academic and social polemic. It is certainly true that there is  no single, universally accepted definition of poverty. In point of fact multifarious definitions of poverty are available in the United Kingdom and from many multilateral and international organisations. One relatively uncontroversial observation that can be made is that modern definitions of poverty have evolved away from conceptions grounded on a paucity of the physical necessities of life and concentrate more on relative and social notions of the state. The Definition of Measurement of Poverty: Competing Perspectives Given the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union and the sovereignty of EU law among its 25 Member States comprising around 460 million citizens it is submitted that as good a place as any to start is the EU definition of poverty. Throughout the 1990s the definition endorsed by the EU was: â€Å"an income of less than half the EU average†[1] This figure was  £150 a week in 1993, and by this objective definition, around 50 million citizens were deemed to be living in poverty in the EU in 1993. However, in recent years the EU has expanded to embrace a number of central and eastern European states which are significantly poorer than its more established western European Member States and partly as a consequence the EU definition of poverty has changed to the following: ‘Persons, families and groups of persons whose resources (material, cultural and social) are so limited as to exclude them from the minimum acceptable way of life in the Member State to which they belong’.[2] This is clearly a more relative measure of poverty, acknowledging that poverty should not merely be measured on financial criteria but that the practical exclusion of those individuals and groups living in poverty from normal patterns of living, activities and customs should also be taken into account. There is therefore an important distinction between absolute and relative concepts of poverty. Absolute poverty relates to a state in which individuals do not possess the items necessary for the sustenance of life, including shelter, clothing and food. In work published at the turn of the last century Rowntree stipulated that a so-called â€Å"poverty line† should be set on the basis of minimum needs.[3] Whereas in 1995 the United Nations Copenhagen Declaration[4] defined absolute poverty in the following terms: â€Å"a condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. It depends not only on income but also on access to social services. On the other hand, relative poverty is typically defined as the inability of an individual to engage and participate fully in cultural social and economic terms in the society in which they live. In simple terms relative poverty is therefore based on a comparison between poor individuals and other more fortunate members of society. Townsend has adopted this definition of poverty, stating that it constitutes: the absence or inadequacy of those diets, amenities, standards, services and activities which are common or customary in society.[5] In the United Kingdom poverty is measured in a variety of different ways and by different programmes.. These include: the National Plan on Social Exclusion[6], which was implemented after agreement at the 2000 Lisbon summit of the European Council to address poverty and social exclusion; the Households Below Average Income[7] statistical analysis, which applies a threshold of 60% of median income as a proxy to draw the poverty line; and the Opportunity For All[8] monitoring and review programme, which concentrates on assessing progress towards a fairer and more inclusive society. The United Kingdom Department of Work and Pensions[9] is engaged in an ongoing review of the formula and strategy it employs to measure income poverty. The current thinking is that the best approach would be a tripartite assessment centred on absolute low income, relative low income and material deprivation and low income combined.[10] A great many commentators in the field of sociology have criticised the notion of an absolute definition of poverty.[11] It has been argued that to adopt a general or global definition would be to fail to take account of the crucial socio-economic differentials that distinguish local communities, regions, and nation states. It is submitted that there is little doubt that relative definitions of poverty are now supported by the majority of sociologists.. Two arguments are typically invoked to support this line. First, it is contended that poverty is not a fixed concept but one that can only be properly comprehended and defined in the general socio-economic environment of the particular society in which individuals live. This means that an individual will be classed as in poverty by reference only to the living standards of those around him or her. However, this may be a pregnable position, given that by implication the â€Å"poor† in any given society may be defined by the â€Å"rich† and this may result in anomalies. It may be incongruous or inappropriate (in particular in the context of global poverty) to contend that a family that does not possess two cars, a DVD player, satellite TV and a computer with internet access should necessarily be defined as â€Å"in poverty† merely because those possessions are norms within the favoured society in question. Second, relative poverty is deemed an appropriate measure because individual societies possess a distinct and unique set of cultural norms and values. Arguably this contention is stronger because it seems appropriate that any definition poverty should take account of the sets of expectations, freedoms and choices that individuals have in the society of which they are a member. Cultural aspects of relative poverty focus on the ideal that all members of a society should be capable of sharing in the goods and services available and fundamental to that society and both engaging with and fully participating in the salient institutions of that society. On this basis, whereas the lack of a telephone might not be seen as putting an Ethiopian family into poverty, an old age pensioner living by herself in the United Kingdom might be deemed to be living in poverty if she does not possess such an instrument which is fundamental to life in our society. In the influential and authoritative study Poverty in the United Kingdom, Townsend argued: â€Å"Poverty can be defined objectively and applied consistently only in terms of the concept of relative deprivation†¦ Individuals, families and groups in the  population can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the type of diet, participate in the activities and have the living conditions and  amenities which are customary, or at least widely encouraged or approved, in the societies to which they belong. Their resources are so seriously below those commanded by the average individual or family that they are, in effect, excluded from ordinary living patterns, customs or activities.†[12] It appears therefore that the relativist approach is in the ascendancy, although this means that there can be no such thing as a clear poverty line, but rather a series of lines drawn in different contexts for different reasons. Concluding Comments In conclusion it is submitted that poverty, however it is ultimately defined or measured, is an inevitable by-product of the capitalist society in which we live, and which now proliferates in the Western World. Capitalism depends on a division between â€Å"haves† and â€Å"have nots† and however poverty is measured or defined it is most unlikely that it will ever be eradicated, given that the profit-motive which drives the commercial motor of society is dependent on its existence as a baseline for endeavour. In particular, if a relative concept of poverty because entrenched and sovereign, we will never rid ourselves of the state, because some faction of society will always be disadvantaged in comparison to the most favoured. The first part of the title to this work states that: â€Å"Relief of poverty is widely perceived to be the central aim of the social security system†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This is probably true but the relief offered is largely analgesic only, providing basic painkilling for the symptoms of poverty but not directly addressing the root causes of poverty itself. The second part of the title to this work states: â€Å"With poverty itself being such a complex phenomenon, it is hardly surprising that differing approaches have been adopted to its definition and measurement. This is also true and can be explained by the fact that so many different agencies and policies, regional, national and international, are directed at tackling poverty for different reasons, from different perspectives and with different objectives..[13] Given the vast disparity that exists within society on a global but even on the national stage, it is hard to envisage a workable all-encompassing definition of poverty that would do justice to every context and every disadvantaged individual.. Consequently, it is likely and probably desirable that multiple definitions of poverty will continue to co-exist for the foreseeable future. BIBLIOGRAPHY Tiscali Reference Encyclopaedia: Rowntree BS, â€Å"Poverty: A Study of Town Life†, (1901) Longman. United Nations, 1995, The Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action, UN. Townsend P., Poverty in the United Kingdom, (1979) Penguin. Department of Work and Pensions, National Plan on Social Exclusion: Department of Work and Pensions, Households Below Average Income: Department of Work and Pensions, Opportunity For All: Veit-Wilson, J (1987), Consensual Approaches to Poverty Lines and Social Security, Journal of Social Policy, 16(2), pp.183-211 Muffels, R, Berghman J and Dirven, H (1992), A Multi-Method Approach to Monitor the Evolution of Poverty, Journal of European Social Policy, 2(3), pp.193-213. 1 [1] [2] See: [3] Rowntree BS, â€Å"Poverty: A Study of Town Life†, (1901) Longman. [4] United Nations, 1995, The Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action, UN. [5] Townsend P., Poverty in the United Kingdom, (1979) Penguin. [6] See: [7] See: [8] See: [9] See: [10] It is proposed that each of the measurements should be on a before housing cost basis. [11] See inter alia: Veit-Wilson, J (1987), Consensual Approaches to Poverty Lines and Social Security. Journal of Social Policy, 16(2), pp.183-211. [12] Townsend P., Poverty in the United Kingdom, 1979, p31 [13] See for an insightful commentary and analysis: Muffels, R, Berghman J and Dirven, H (1992), A Multi-Method Approach to Monitor the Evolution of Poverty, Journal of European Social Policy, 2(3), pp.193-213.

Economic Conditions And Effect To Airlines Industry Tourism Essay

Economic Conditions And Effect To Airlines Industry Tourism Essay Airlines industry is a huge and growing industry. It is known as a services provider industry. Airline is not just only the airplane; it includes many elements like business aircraft, military program, and recreational aircraft and it provides services to passenger or cargos. The outcome of growing and the working of airlines industry are always unexpected because it is full of challenge and variables conditions. Air travel industry is a special industry to the global, because it is always grow along with the economics. Somebody describes the importance of airlines industry as no airlines, no globalization, and no new era, this has showed how much is the importance airline industry to us. Airlines industry is a complicated industry; we briefly say that airlines industry is under an oligopoly market structure. The explanation of oligopoly is an economic condition that only few service or product suppliers in the market and one of the supplier actions can perceive significant impact from its competitor in the same market. Thus, since a firm of carriers provides a new action and it will always taken by competitors, and soon affect the outcomes of whole market, therefore, firms in this industry are interdependent and airlines industry is a high competition market. It is also one of the most fragile industry, many things can affect their performance from SARS, 911, economic crisis and even weather conditions. The airlines industry has seen some positive effect currently which resulted in them forecasting a better forecast. Many factors could have affected the changes; we will discuss some of it below Changes in economic conditions and effect to airlines industry. As the world pick up from the economic crisis the traffic increases significantly. The demands for business travelers to individual travelers went up. During the economic crisis most carriers gone through restructuring and implement cost cutting measures so when the business pick up they will see that their profit margin is better than what they use to have before the crisis. Currently, the economy is expected to post up a profit of 2.5 billion for 2010 as it is recovering from the two years of ailing business. This is due to the increase of passengers, increase of cargo trade and effective cost measures taken my responsible parties to encounter the problem. Which means there is an increase in peoples standard of living as they can afford to travel; therefore there is a tremendous increase in the tourism industry which positively affects the air travel demand. Previously, industry prediction predicted that the economy would encounter a loss of 2.8 billion because assumption made that in 2009 and 2008 which was during the year of economic downturn, there was a loss of 9.9 billion and 16 billion respectively. However, the result was a positive one in 2010 for the airline industry. Passengers traffic has actually increased up to 7.1 % when it was predicted only an increase of 5.6% and that the demand grew twice as the supply. For example, a venture of C$1,805 million at Vancouver airport was approximate to have led to a 5.4% boost in connection with Canada as a whole. Therefore, airline deregulation can help sustain an increase in air transport connectivity as it is spread to industrialize world affecting domestic air travel. The increase in airline operation and services provides a growth of 5 % per year and also an increase of GDP twice as much. Moreover, its also expected to grow for the next ten to fifteen years. It also provides the flexibility for airlines to adjust capacity properly to meet changes in the market demand. By way of example, the expansion in a ir services between Poland and the UK since 2003 has increased connectivity as a percentage of GDP by 27% for Poland, whereas the increase in the UK was a much smaller 0.5%. This shows that there is a long term boost of 634 billion and 45 billion for both countries respectively. Another positive factor which affected the changes in airline industry is the price of fuel. Although there is an increase in fuel price, several airlines such as the southern west airline company does not seem to allow this worldwide issue to affect its company profit and revenue. As the tourism industry is starting to boom and growing faster, travelers and passengers are using flight services very often and if they raise the price of the air ticket, passengers will have to look for another cheaper transportation mode. Therefore, the airline company choose to dissolve their problem by minify the loss through management reinforcement, cost lowering and efficiency improving, but not simply raise the price. Airlines also took the approach differently by looking at similar measures to solve the problem of the increase of price fuel. Todays collection of aircraft is nearly three times more fuel-efficient than the olden days aircraft we were operating at the time of the first OPEC fuel cr isis. In fact, our fuel conservation efforts have resulted in most fuel-efficient automobiles. Therefore, there were changes in cruise speed, use of flight simulators, complicated flight planning systems, increasing load factors and the introduction of newer, more aerodynamic aircraft designs combined with modern engine technology as alternative measurements. With the high technology the world has created, this problem could be solved in different ways and means. Another good example is China encounter the problem of increase of fuel price by reducing domestic fuel price as 80% of their flights are domestic flying. This results in a lower profit and also a lower operating cost and also helps boost the nation airlines. Changes in Government Policies and effect to Airlines Industry Worldwide deregulations and liberalization In the past of the era, air travel industry is strictly controlled by government. No matters what the country is, government always involved in this industry, airlines almost operates and owns by government.Government used to decide how much is the airfares, control the route networks, and other requirements for each airlines company in the country. Now the time goes by, JAPAN, UK, US government start to deregulation their airlines to make the airlines market negotiate the price of ticket and operational requirements as a large free and manage these according to the demand of market. For example, united stated of American has hundred new airline firms enter the market due to result of deregulation. Hawaiian airlines, Delta Airlines, Alaska airlines and Frontier airlines are the airlines available in American State of America. The global deregulation policy to the airlines industry has because the barriers to this industry become lower and make more qualified air travel company to ent er the market. The competition in this market has increased and pricing freedom. Therefore, the supply has increase, will cause the price decrease and demand will increase, because the firms in airlines industry provide better service and incentive to attract the consumer choose airlines service to increase their profit. Despite the deregulation, global government has a trend to [open skies] agreement. These agreement is talking about between the country has a concord that air travel has the rights to fly over the country intermediate and beyond point. From the 1990s, this agreement has become more common. At the April of 2007, United State of American has open skies agreement with European Union and this agreement have provided the right to transport passengers to a foreign country or international, under USA and EU open skies agreement, any airlines from EU and USA will be allow to fly from any city point within the European to any city in United State of American. This agreement has grounds the maximum flying flexibility to the airlines firm that has relevant and alliances because they can cut down their flying cost that include fuel fare, service cost and other opportunity cost. Demand and Supply curveUntitled.png Changes in technology and effects to airlines industry. The changes in technology are provides a obvious effect in airlines industry, the common of internet use has help the airlines company to promote their service and make their air ticket selling become easier to air travelers. In the 80s till 90s, the revenue of Airlines Company was depending on travel agent. Consumers no need to go to airlines company agent to buy ticket, in the past, customers are expected to wait at least three days to get the proceed of air ticket. In this era, they can make the booking on airlines company internet, the only they need to do is print out a page and pass to counter at airport. The buying processes can be done in an hour. Airlines Company can save the operation cost in selling ticket. Despite the internet convenience, the technology in design and aero plane engineering has been improved, more safety in flying. To this result, air travelers do prefer to take a fly as because it is more safety than past. Due to the convenience and safety in flying, con sumers has bigger willing to choose air travel as their transport. Demand and Supply curve: show the improvement in technology has increase the demand for airlines service. Untitled.png

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Use of Chiasmus to Highlight the Irony of Slavery in Narrative of t

The Use of Chiasmus to Highlight the Irony of Slavery in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass According to Barton and Hudson's Contemporary Guide to Literary Terms, a chiasmus is a rhetorical scheme that is "particularly effective in creating irony through the reversal of accepted truths or familiar ideas" (189). Frederick Douglass uses the chiasmus throughout his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave to highlight the irony of slavery's existence in a country that was built upon the ideals of freedom. Throughout his autobiography, we find several specific instances of chiasmus that cause the reader to pause and focus on the point that Douglass is trying to make. Each chiasmus is placed in an important point of the text (and, therefore, an important point of Douglass' life) and calls attention to that passage's significance. Let us begin with what is, perhaps, the most famous Douglass quotation: "You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man" (64). This sentence serves as the turning point, the climax, of both Douglass' narrative and his life. Up until that point, throughout his entire life, the world had been busy making him a slave. From the moment he was born to a slave mother (even though his father was white), the forces of slavery had been suffocating his humanity. When he was forcibly separated from his mother, he lost the human closeness of family. When he helplessly witnessed his aunt being brutally beaten and was subjected to repeated beatings himself, he lost the human sense of pride. And, when he was denied education and literacy, he lost the human ability to obtain knowledge. In all of these ways, society turned Frederick Douglass, a man, int... nation. Douglass marks his transformation from slave to man with a chiasmus just before his fight with Mr. Covey. He used two more to highlight events that led up to that climactic afternoon: one contrasting the will of the master and that of the slave, and other contrasting the freedom of the ships with Frederick's own bondage in slavery. Finally, Douglass uses a chiasmus to highlight the disparity between the free, near-utopian North, and the slaveholding, harsh South. His masterful use of the rhetorical tool of chiasmus allowed Frederick Douglass to expertly exhibit the irony of slavery to an entire nation. Works Cited Barton, Edwin J. and Glenda A. Hudson. A Contemporary Guide to Literary Terms. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Discrimination in the Workplace of Individuals Living with A Disease or

Discrimination in the Workplace of Individuals Living with A Disease or Illness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This research paper is a case study focusing on the discrimination of workers living with a disease or illness. I chose this topic based on the need to educate others on the signs of workplace discrimination. Job discrimination in the workplace can effect many people in many different situations. This particular study chooses to focus on those individuals living with a terminal illness. Discrimination in the workplace can occur more frequently than many expect in this advanced society. The history of job discrimination in general is vast and covers many different areas. In America, the history of discrimination in the area of employment options is a sobering one that reaches far beneath the surface of what many want to know about our seemingly â€Å"fair† society. Broad prejudices against people with illnesses survive at the threshold of the new millennium. Those prejudices, infecting those familiar and unfamiliar with the severity of functional illnesses determine the way â€Å"non-ill† people view and act toward people living and working with illnesses. Many people, however, still fail to recognize the pervasive and damaging nature of â€Å"affliction† prejudice. Deep-seated psychological and sociological mechanisms give rise to prejudice against people with illnesses. While some or all of these mechanisms also contribute to discrimination against other minority groups, their operation in the context of illness has unique characteristics that make affliction prejudice extremely difficult to identify and eradicate. Workplace screening for predisposition to illness was championed during the 1930’s, as it became clear that some workers exposed to toxins on the job became ill while others did not. Such screening is an increasingly frequent though highly controversial practice in industry today. Screening prior to employment can help individuals avoid jobs that could be hazardous to their health. But testing workers for genetic susceptibility after they become ill could be a way for employers to avoid responsibility for workers’ safety and compensation claims, shifting the blame to â€Å"genetically predisposed† workers while ignoring workplace hazards. Bailey House is an organization that was started by West Village area business people, activists and clergy members as a ... ...e insight after learning the background on the program. As with the INVEST NYC program, Bailey House has some other very well established programs that need as much support as possible and there is always a need for more participation and education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This organization is very innovative and outstanding in the right that it possesses a zeal that is continuously making breakthroughs for clients that propel the organization to higher heights and also helps the organization grow in size and experience. The work that Bailey House has done in the community and for the community affected by the illnesses related to HIV/AIDS is remarkable and pushes them to strive toward unspeakable goals. Hopefully some of the landmark cases that have come through this organization will help to dispel stereotypes and stigmatism’s of those living with terminal illnesses that still insist on being a part of the workforce. Until then, Human Resource Management will continue to play a role in mandating fair and just treatment of those living with illnesses that are thrust into the workforce. This study has shown that barriers can be broken and optimism for a brighter future may still exist.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Observations Of Life :: essays research papers

INTRODUCTION I am not a psychologist by far, I have no degree in the field of psychology nor do I wish to have, I am just an everyday person that observes and analyzes the things I see. As I am writing this I am at the ripe old age of 18. To some people this may imply that I do not have any credibility in writing these things because I do not have the wisdom of age. Well, to those people I say that they should hear me out on these perceptions and continue reading, because you can not judge someone else unless you have heard their side of the story. By writing this I hope to achieve one thing and one thing only: that someone, somewhere will remember my way of seeing things. In no way do I wish to offend anyone. This is just how I see the world we live in. I believe that age has no effect on how you perceive things. If anything you just become less credible as you get older. For instance, young children have the tendency to completely tell the truth, that is until they discover how to lie. In my observations I have noticed that parents believe the younger sibling more than the older sibling. This may be because the parents favor this child more than the older one or could it be that the younger child has more credibility because the older one has been known to tell lies from time to time. If you have seen or watched kids you know that this, in most cases, is true. One thing about life that I never understood is pay role. It makes no sense at all. It seems to me that the more work you do the less you get paid and the less work you do the more you get paid for it. For example, my father started out working as a garbage disposal man. By this I mean that he was the guy hanging off the back of the garbage truck. He would work long days and the physical demand was just exhausting. Could you imagine doing this work in the biting cold of winter or the humid heat of the summer all day long? The pay was not very good. Currently he still is in the same business but I would say a lot further up the ladder than he used to be.